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0-112-generic armv7l

rufus wrote: I read somewhere to make a good installation, the compiled updated script for vlc in the proper order. For awhile the order of the lines was changed and then the order was changed back the next update.


Which script and in what order did you mean?

I'll try to do this:

0. Remove old stuff
1. Get deps
2. Get the patches
3. Get eh5
4. Compile
0. remove theems
1. Get the latest git repo
2. Get the upstream patch
3. Get the recipe
4. Compile using the mathod

I plan to drop this approach and install with a more recent method. This one will install two of them. I

Its was here:

The Ubuntu PPA has fresh vlc automaticlly pushed from the re-sync script.

This is a useful repository, yes.

Do you reccomend anything?

I recommend the tar.bz2.

Please visit to download the extracted tar.bz2

This will take a little time.

The time needed to download the ./bootstrap file is around 30 seconds.

Oh you actually mean to suggest build from source (as one could have downloaded .deb or .dev).

Building from source is always suboptimal compared to trusting the cops, since it is less performant- it would only make sense if this somehow fixed bugs in the previous build.

I install everything from source.


Ooh I just read that you do not use Arch anywhere on your build.

That is not true. I live in a foreign country where everyone has to share the same USB and web page pulls up speed-say 40 lines, not that much. Any subsequent updates are passed to me from the top entry ( source). I depug the content and there are a couple of json objects I parse through.

Sorry, I have to make this hard. For descriptions, I use Polish.
Michal do you think it would be best to expect everything from the Polish people or nothing from the Polish people?

From the Polish people.
No one expects nothing from the other so we have a common people. Let this also serve as a reminder to all people that the traveler forgives himself and needs nothing else.

Sounds good, will continue with that.

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