alsa-nature Hanföl (kbA), 250 ml


Grundpreis: 43.60 € / l

Naturreines, wertvolles Hanföl aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau. alsa-nature Hanföl (kbA) hat ein besonders ausgewogenes essentielles Fettsäureprofil. Neben den Vitaminen, Spurenelementen u. a. sind die im Hanföl enthaltenen mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren für die Ernährung des Hundes so wichtig. Das Besondere am Hanföl ist jedoch sein Gehalt an der seltenen, aber sehr wichtigen Gamma-Linolensäure, deren Mangel oft im Zusammenhang mit Dermatosen und allergischen Erscheinungen (z. B. Neurodermitis,

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As you read this today, I hope that you will take the time to sit back, look into your past and what is happening in your life right now. Learn from it. Take it all in and ask what it’s teaching you and how it can help you succeed.

Don’t fear your past. It doesn’t have to define you at all. It can actually fit like a glove and be a foundation that will help you on your journey to success. Mistakes happen, but its what you do with them that will define you.

Here are my fast 5 tips to put you on the right path to learning from your past to create success in the future:

Take the time to reflect. Take the time to look back and see what has happened in your life, and learn from it.

Use the lessons to drive your future. As you look at your past, take the lessons from it and use them to drive your future.

Learn from it, but don’t live in it. Reflect, but don’t live in your past. Look at it as a tool that will help you succeed in the future.

Remember that there is no such thing as too late. Just because something has happened in the past doesn’t mean that you can’t start over and make things happen. If you have the will and desire to succeed, then you can do it.

Have faith in yourself. You are unbelievable and amazing. You have the power within you to make any change or make anything happen that you want to. Believe in yourself and make your dreams come true.

So as you sit today reading this post, remember that your past is a foundation that will help build your successes in the future. Allow it to guide your future and become the person that you have always wanted to be.

Which lessons have you learned from your past? Let me know in the comments below.

PS. Don’t forget to sign up for my FREE Webinar on April 28th at 8pm EST – Creating Success in your Business Using Social Media. Click HERE to register.

If you are looking for more help with creating success in your business than grab my 4 Module Video Series that will help you do just that. Click HERE to snag your copy today.

I want to start today’s post with something that I say every single day to myself. “It’s not about you”…simple words, but when you actually let them sink in you will understand exactly why I say this to myself every day and why it has become my mantra.

Let me explain how this mantra actually came about. When I first started my business I was soooo excited about the journey. I felt that everything that was coming at me was meant for me, or at least that is how it felt. Everything was so clear. I developed a vision of what it would look like- and let me tell you it was everything but what vision fell into place.

As I started working with some of my first clients, I realized that I wasn’t really making things happen for them. Whenever I felt that I wasn’t making things happen, frequency mattered to me quite a bit more over the other person. Quite honestly, I was so jealous of them. ”Why do they have what I want? How can I make that happen in my life? Why hasn’t my time come yet?”

This was one of the earliest signs that I was a person who was not living in full awareness for my own path. I was judging the timing of who I was meant to help (and not help) with my abilities. But let me say this – the people who weren’t meant to work with me were represented in any way so it wasn’t anything personal. As the ones that know me well….well, you can attest that my thoughts are in full passion. Even though I was full-fledged here to LIVE OUT LOUD to expand my story, ‘they’ were trying to point me in another direction – I wasn’t for me …. That much was clear!

In the intimacy of friendship and family, I have long been a perspective from think tanks, but I have come even to ‘hide away’ the ‘strong’ opinion of my extremely opinionated nature. And the more I held back from the call to action, with my focus being elsewhere, the more forceful what I was denied MELDE.

The entire thing I had no one to guide me…it wasn’t until an acquaintance from fb asked me for my professional opinion on a situation they were struggling with . Basically, they were asking me for advice and they wanted 30 minutes of advice. I reluctantly agreed, and I was embarrassed (yes, even then) I only wanted an acknowledgement that it wasn’t going to be any pleasure trip.and yet, and I answered this in such a perplexing demand that I was sick to hear myself interrupting myself nodding my head mentally shouting “you can shut up!”

And yet even in my rue-full apology they complemented me for helping this person. In the end, I couldn’t decide if I had fumbled the conversation by sharing too much about myself or to little. It was the first time I experienced imposter syndrome, and let me tell you it wasn’t fun.

But I started challenging myself that week (maybe 2 ago). I stopped looking at my dreams, business, and income from the perspective alone. Instead, I kept a trusted exemplar thought and continued to grate being still with the guidance (however poorly suited in my perception). I started doing what I was supposed to, instead of what I though would make me cool.

Letting someone in on your dream enables them to flood your ambition in your creation. That is where your impetus lies, stopping in at each neutralized in effect releasing outputcraft success and magic of neuronal command in formations stirred spot-on into the opportunity for re-defined philanthropy essence. Really give it a shot – you won’t regret it.

Reflect…What is your mantra? Have you worked with a specific one? Let me know in the comments below.

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